среда, 5 марта 2014 г.

again, it was too long message...
Google logged out.

so I made another page - (page 4)

I am proud that you did that, its a great sign of your faith that you have so much boldness. Most devotees would not have the courage to address this kind of crowd.]

I was scared in the beginning. But I though that it is important - at least... if we want seriously to go back home to Godhead. then we must do something right for Krishna...

now I many times remember this event...
I want to read something from other religion etc etc...
But then I remember this dispute - and realize - it is waste of time to read something else, if it is not Vedas at least...
because ultimately it is sanatana-dharma...
or say, there was this "ban on Gita" in Tomsk where some priest of Russian Church was killed in some 2000. but I see so many people - christians, muslims, even buddhists - they became a little like atheists of india who said : "what is the difference between Gita and Main Kampf of Hitler? it is same, Gita is even worse"...
and when I realize how many problems are there in Hare Krishna only, then why waste time on something else...
how it is said - "any other activity except Krishna consciousness cannot liberate us from material world, cycle of birth and death"...

*** By the way, here is analogy with Radhanatha Swami. You say that he could ask some devotees to kill Sulocana. But as far as I can understand, he was not interested in that. I saw him personally just last month. I didn't talk to him, but he payed obeisances near me. Gave some lecture, lead a kirtan. So probably he is not as bad you think he is.

[PADA: RNS just buried Kirtanananda in the holy dham? He may appear as as nice guy, but he still has sympathy for the old guard criminal element.]

don't you think that it was only Kirtan-da who was responsible for those crimes, and not RNS at all?
those upto 10 people killed in NV - because of Kirtan-da, not RNS?

*** At least we can guess - if Radhanatha is preaching now - he must have been purified - just like some man - who was against Radhanatha - and later became his supporter after he was treated in hospital of RNS.

[PADA: Thats nice, that RNS helped some man. Good. The main thing is that we do not accept that these people are acharyas, 

well, of course we don't have muct time. books of Prabhupada and his lectures etc - are enough...
Why people waste time one reading/listening other than Prabhupada's words?

there is no evidence they were appointed as such?

you mean they were voted for? elected just like in parliament? =-)
let's vote who is saint, who is guru, who is acharya. i'm joking =-)

 RNS is also spending millions of dollars suing us in India, does he not have a better use for money than suing us Vaishnavas?]

really? interesting!
by the way... what is my experience, I like Bhakti Sudhir Goswmi Maharaja from SCSMath.
he made up books for Sridhara maharaja etc...
And still, he wrote - that he left ISKCON in something like early 1980-es...
Though he was initiated in ISKCON by Prabhupada...
but wanted to remain a student, disciple, not a guru...
but others wanted to be gurus in ISKCON, especially in NV - even by force.
Guru by force... it is like martial arts...

*** So lets come back to Duluman. So I came up to him, and took out my Bhagavad Gita as it is. I opened it where colored pictures were, and found one - where Krishna is source of all universes - spiritual and material, and came to Duluman - "See - here is Krishna, God! Why you say there is not God? Here he is!"
Duluman just laughed at me and at Krishna - he said - "Ha ha! you can draw just anything!"

[PADA: Well next time I am going into a battlefield I will call for you to come help me, 

? which bravery?

you've got some major bravery and its astonishing really.]

thank you but

no no, maybe it was not a very proper ADvertisement where it was written that "Duluman - atheist number one in Ukraine"... as far as i can understand... politicians are bigger atheists - at least in practice - they go to government, into some communist party etc - 
and there they make laws to kill cows - using government's money, etc etc...

here is ad - "atheism versus islam"... under atheism logo: "atheistic side is opresented by: candidate of theology. doctor of philosophy Duluman"...

actually it is strange, on this AD they didn't write in his bio that he is atheist...
I talked to man ( a litle) who led christian side - Chernomorets - 
and he said - "Duluman was atheist, but he is not anymore"...
However... When I talked to Duluman personally - he showed that he still rejected Krishna...

above: Signed by Lenin, text is order "to shoot/kill as many priests as possibile".
Young atheist said it is false. Duluman answered to this: "someone like you must be killed" (then Krishna killed Duluman).

*** Next moment he changed. (Maybe Krishna influenced him? ) He started to talk with his people around and to say - "This Hare Krishna came to me before lecture and wanted to say that Krishna told this, that Krishna is right. He said Krishna Krishna, but I said - well, but Quran said different thing. He should go to psychiatric hospital, he is crazy"...

I didn't like those words. So. I asked directly to Duluman about Lenin. Previously I asked him about Krishna- does he believe in Him or no, and now I wanted to ask him of Lenin - just opposite of Krishna.
So, I felt more courage - just because that scientific atheist lawyer was not arrogant, and just said "it is false. Lenin didn't order to kill priests"? So I thought that Duluman would also be not so dangerous at this point.

But probably because Duluamn was "ex-priest", "candidate of theology" - this made him mad. So, I asked Duluman - "you are candidadte of theology or a priest. Lenin ordered to kill as many priests as possible, right? What do you think about this his order? Why you say Allah is bad, or Krishna is bad? Lenin is worse! And Krishna is not bad when He kills demons, atheists/ asuras!"

So Duluman looked at me, probably even angrily - and said - "someone like you should be killed!"

[PADA: Wow this story is giving me goosebumps, you really challenged a major rat here.

ha ha. yes. he is frog i'ld say ;-) Duluman looked like a frog and like ... Cobra with jewel on a head...

do you know about snakes with jewel on their hoods? even if there is a jewel - still... snake is poisonous - cobra, python etc - so they can bite... but well, now snake Duluman is tamed... (dead)...
Though, i don't want to meat younger atheists and do same with them like I did with Duluman. Because they will probably live longer...

and on those disputes atheists are not alone. there are many of them... frog-like

frog is sitting in a well and saying: "oh, big ocean of knowledge, big ocean of consciousness? God? unlimited Brahman. i don't believe! it is beyong my well!"
Finally frog died.

Sheesh! My hat is off to you.] 

thank you =-)

*** That was probably most dangerous part of the whole talk with him, atheist. And that showed his heart and soul - that he hated all religious people and God, Krishna, and was ready to kill priests. And that also means that Lenin indeed was same - Lenin also wanted to kill priests, but probably Lenin was even worse that Duluman.

[PADA: And the GBC guru program wants to kill us, so what is the difference between them and Lenin, 

no there is big difference... Hm... just today was talking to my mother...
I told her - you know, some people criticise patriarch of Russian Church, and call him "Karabas Barabas"... some character from Pinnoccio (russian version - Buratino).

so they make video, where Patriarch of Russian Church Kirrill - is in church, but music on the back is - Karabas Brabas. See him above - not a very nice man... 
And the same Karabas Barabas image is used in song "my PR-manager is Karl Marx (Karabas Barabas)"...

(she said - "Marx is better than Patriarch Kirrill" unfortunately for her =-( )

Well, but they are completely different, and even opposite! And why make them one?
it is advaita, and it is bad!

Oh, i found this picture! it was used to advertise Duluman. but I found in another place:
on one side is Lenin, on other side - is theologician. what is mouse doing in between - don't know.
yes, this very picture was used, and under Lenin was signed - Duluman, atheist#1 in Ukraine, and on side of theologician - Chernomorets etc.

PADA: And the GBC guru program wants to kill us, 
so what is the difference between them and Lenin?

oh! that's a good question. but there is a huge difference!
no I don't think anyone wants to kill you and me and us. why would they want to?

Prabhupada said to Tamal Krishna - what is better - be killed by Rama or by Ravana. That's very different!
if Krishna or Rama kills - demon or anyone - He gives libaration to killed one. and if asura like Ravana kills - he doesn't give liberation. so in any case it is better to be killed by ISKCON etc, or by religion in general then by atheism...

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