четверг, 6 марта 2014 г.

TelexFREE is a sponsor of Botafogo Football club

Hare Krishna,
I just want to tell to those who might be reading this.
When I was on Bhakti-Sanghama 2013 in Crimea (Ukraine) - ISKCON festival,

one man told me that he is working in TelexFREE.
It is a company which provides a software to call to cell phones, landlines, to call to and from computer etc. it just costs 5$ a month - if you become a partner (additionally you've got to pay for a yearly contract - 50$/year), or you can use it as a regular user - 50$/month - call anywhere unlimited. There is some limit, - 3000 minutes per month, but it is around 1,5 hours a day - and you can talk like this everyday more than one hour with people in any country. There is a list of supported countries - total there are around 60 countries.  
by following it you can get free 1-hour test of connection.
and if you like it - you can buy 1-month connection for 5 to 50$ per month (I described this already above, what is the difference - it's better to get discount, though, having contract for a year).
It is technology to call through Internet - Voice-over-IP, but it works also for a normal phones, mobiles etc. - using a call center.

But there is a way to earn.
A man whom I met while going by train to Bhakti-Sanghama-2013, told me how can one earn there.
A contract which I bought is 340$ per year. This contract means you should post ADvertisements every day - it takes just some 5 minutes. So first week - you post ads daily, and the next also. After two weeks (first 2 weeks), you'll get 20$ back from your contract - if you don't sell anything.
If you got a client - then you'll get some additional money.
There is a complex system how one can earn.

But simplest way to earn is just to advertise TelexFREE by posting ADs and by telling people around that one can use Telexfree for connecting people (just starting from 5$ per month), and for earning as well...
So, as far as i can see, there are already even few millionaires in TelexFree!
Well, to become one in Telexfree - one require a lot of clients and partners.
But at least, one can earn some 20$ per week.
  see this table. It is very good explaination how you can earn. I got contract on mid-December. now it is beginning of March, and I got 180$ dollars back - 20$ per week, that is 9 weeks. But you have to take into account - that first 340$ dollars which you get from Telexfree - are just same money which payed for a contract. So you have to be patient.
But after you get 300$ payed back (how it works; if noone buys Telexfree program - you sell it gack to company for half-price - for 20$) - you can get money back. And then next weeks you again earn 20$/weekly. Thus you earn some 600$ in a year (excluding 340 which you payed for contract and then got back).
But there is better way to earn. You can get upto 5 daily ads. Thus say, after I got 300$ on my balance - i can buy another ADcentral - and thus I'll have to post 2 ads daily. Money will be payed back two times faster. See in atble above: You get 80$*4monthes=320$. Then pay this same money to buy another ADcentral in month 5th, and you'll get 20$*2=40$ weekly or 160$ per month by posting ads. List of ads websites is available in your backoffice after you register online. 
So, after 6 monthes you get all money back.
And say, I want to go for Bhakti-Sanghama festival in 2014 this year again. Then i don't buy another adcentral after 6 monthes. I go on posting 2 ads/daily. And Earn 160$ monthly. Thisi s enough to buy a ticket for a train and go to festival, buy a "camp" (if you want cheaper way), and even to buy a cell-phone with Android for Internet, so I can while on Bhakti-sangama - post ads and earn 40$/week.
I wouldn't believe this Telexfree program, but a man who invited me is also Hare Krishna, so I got a contract.
So, even if I don't buy another adcentral after 4 monthes, still i should get additional 300$ - earn them, after another 4 monthes, so I can then get them out of telexfree unto my credit/debit card etc, and get money in cash. But of course I can get that same money earlier.
To get this 340$/year contract, i had to earn in not very intelligent way, though. Whn I was once in a church, I was told - "hey, boy, do you want to earn a little?" i said - yes. So I just had to advertise some book (it is about how Jews were killed). So, I got not much... it was just... some 180 ukrainian hryvnias per day. I decided - no, it not a lot of money. Then i didn't distribute flyers.
But then in 2013 i wanted to go to Bhakti-Sanghama, My parents said - we don't have money for that (they criticise Prabhupada unfortunately for them). So I was thining - well, how can I earn? In same way? distribute flyers etc? So i found on Internet that i can distribute newspapers - and it is a good money. Though - not a good condition of job - on a street - you run between cars - when they are stopped on traffic-light, and give each driver a newspaper. Finally. I got necessary money. They payed me something like 100 ukrainian hryvnias per two hours. it's like 10$/2hours. not bad, but then a whole day you feel somewhat tired.
That company is called "Vesti" which means NEWS. A man who worked there - some Journalist was killed soon after I fired up from this company. it happened just recently - when event in end of 2013 - beginning of 2014 in Ukraine happened - related to "European revolution in Ukraine" (you know most people want to be in EU, but yanukovich dodesn't - being president. So it seems like he is not going to be president - becasue we suspect he wanted people in Ukraine to be killed).

So. It is another story. Just I want to say - if one wants to earn with Telexfree - it is not so hard. One just have to earn 340$ in some way - even just like me by distributing newspapers etc etc. Some simple job - for a short time - and get your Telexfree contract for a year. just 340$ per year.
But then you can get upto 5ads daily in telexfree, and you'll earn upto 20$*5 per week = 100$ per week, and it's 400$ per month. In fact, it is a little less. It's around 250$/month even if you post 5ads daily. But it a good money if you just work online ... it's a bit less then 400$/month, because not each month you get money - first 4 monthes you have to simply wait for money back. Though, you can get them immediately when you get 300$ on balance. not necessary wait for whole sum - around 1500$ to be given back...
Though, these money are to be reserved for contracts each next year. So it is best if you have some 340$ (1ad/day) to 1450$ (5ads/day) free, and each year you just again get that money and put them into Telexfree as a payment for a contract. And if you get a contract for 1450$/year, you'll earn two times more - 3000$. You get your money back (which you payed for contract 1450$), and you'll get additional 3000$ (or so) in next 8 monthes.
And every year you can do like this.
And your relatives, friends etc - can also do it.

So here is a proposal for everyone who wants to earn some money. It is not such a big sum of money, but is at least something.
if your relatives are non-devotees, and they don't want that you go to some ISKCON festivals, and they don't want or don't have money to give you for that - for Hare Krishna - you can get them without much effort - if you are in Telexfree...
Telexfree is kind of "emergency financial help".
Actually, why I am also now in telexfree... We ve bought some licensed software. You know - Microsoft Windows etc. and we spent (company of my father) some 5000$ or more for such programs. 
We usually only used pirated software, and now I think - there is nothing wrong to use pirated Microsoft software. Why?
I'll tell you why...

Becasue Bill Gates is atheist, You know?

You can just see what his "Bill and Melinda Gates" money are intended for - and you may feel bad.
Bill used money for making GMO-products

 (genetically modified - and it is dangerous! and unhealthy isn't it?)

also, he vaccinized children in India - some 50 000$ children died after Bill gates vaccinized them. 
he also payed some 1 100 000$ for contraception! and you know it is also killing, murder. I've read that they even kill cows for that...

So do not buy Bill gates software! He is ... demon. Though he looks like christian. not better than Duluman - I told about atheistic "priest" Duluman already.
That;s why I'ld better support Anonymous Hackers then Microsoft. 
Because say in China there is Communist party and they don't allow freely to use even internet - sites like youtube, wikipedia, google, facebook are forbidden by government of China. 
so there is only one way to get out - to be a hacker, or even -anonymous hacker - then one can go behind "great communism firewall of China"... Bill agtes said that one has to buy his programs, that one has to support capitalist bill gates. But it is clear that Capitalism means to support Marx and his "Capital", to support atheism. So Bill gates is marxist. Though, Bill gates said that "free software is communism". He said that it is wrong. But is Bill himself better? he said no better than Aristotle that "God is good, though - something like software is more important'...
And Aristolte was Mayavadi - atheist. Prabhupada told that.
And other vaisnavas said that Mayavada is one of most dangerous philosophies in the universe! 
So Bill gates supports this kind of dangerous philosophy...
One more support for my idea that piracy of Microsoft software is good, and is more responsible than giving money to bill gates who is capitalist-marxist-atheist, and spends money for killing chjildren and cows etc...
I told to one man - he came after dispute between chrisitians and Duluman.

it was birth day of Saint Aquinas, so this man from Vaitacan came.

 He gave some lecture.
It was in institute of Vatican - institute for religious sciences. i got there somehow - after we were with parents on Catholic forum.
So... I approached that man. How it is said - sadhu-sangha. It is good thing.
I though that probably he is sadhu. though christian. 

So I asked him: "why some atheists are rich, and we who believe in God are usually poor"?

He answered: "money is good for you!"

I asked this man: "are you acquantied personally with Papa - head of catholic church"?

Father Wojciech Giertych, Pope Benedict XVI’s personal theologian

he said: "yes, i am eating with him by the same table"...

I said: "wow! nice. but. I'ld like to ask... is it so necesary to get spiritual education, get some theology degree... I mean I was on dispute with some candidate of theology and advertisement said that he is atheist number one in Ukraine. he told me that someone like me must be killed. I was somewhat afraid, so I am praying [chanting Hare Krishna]... "

he answered: "if you'll pray 24 hours a day - you can become neurotic". "no, you just have to believe in God. this is more important than some non-actual theology-degrees which doesn't show you/or someone as one who believes in God... if they are opposite/fake, and if you or that man is atheist.

I said: Well, I went for that dispute just it as interesting - what kind of man it is - "theologician-atheist" at same time... And I know that it is said that a pure devotee of God would even go to hell if he can serve God there... [Prabhupada said it... So I decided. - why fear Duluman - I can even go to this hellish dispute with atheist - and at least know once in a lifetimes - what is "atheist number one" in my country... and if my Gurudev said - "there is no atheists in this world" - why fear?]...

В субботу, 26 января 2013 года, личный консультант Папы римского Бенедикта XVI в теологических вопросах, профессор Понтификального университета «Ангеликум» в Риме, монах–доминиканец Войцех Гертых ОР (Wojciech Giertych) примет участие в праздничной программе по случаю Дня святого Фомы Аквинского – покровителя католических учебных заведений и всех, кто в них учится

he said: "you should be responsible or you'll go to hell"


So i was thinking waht does this all mean...
I found a lecture from Prabhupada about responsibility.
Prabhupada said - we have one responsibility - to serve Krishna.


So... PADA wrote that some gurus in ISKCON are not very good (New Vrindavan crimes remember).
Anyway. in our local ISKCON in Kiev there is written: "if you think that everything belongs to Krishna and you can take some other's things - then it's not our philosophy"...
So, we thought - it means to be responsible - if we are not "communists" or software pirates - so we have to buy licensed software...
And nothing good.

I think we bought 20 Windows XP, each costed some 100$.
And see - instead of that - I could have got moer money to study, for education etc.
We bought another program - Archicad - genuine for 4000$ (or something like that),
but that is all right. Though - we don't see any difference - be it pirated or licensed soft...

Just today I heard from mother - she said - "we spend 10 times more than we earn"...
and now - compare it with what protecters of Microsoft and other atheists like Bill gates - 
waht they say?
They say - "buying licensed software is good for economics"...
Though... it looks like they write it from their own point of view, and not for a point of view of Hare Krishna economics.
If Bill gates is saying - you get millions dollars, billions - but it is still same hamburgher, - he is killing and eating cows...

I am not happy to write all this garbage, but I just wanted to know - what is Bill Gats - what kind of major rat he is - and ... why the hell his Microsoft is richest company in the world, and what is he is doing with that so much money...

And I came to very bad and sad conclusion -

Scientists Using $100,000 of Bill Gates’ Money to Make Condoms Out of Cow Tendon
This is what I found on internet. it says - Bill gates is officially a killer of cows or other animals to make condoms - see?

See how demoniac it is ... I don't know if that is really truth that he is so degraded, but it can be true...
Official website of Bill and Melinda (his wife) Gates foundation say that they want to make better contraception and give 100 000$ for one who makes better condom etc.
and they say that it is christian concept.

But as that man from Vatican - he is theological advisor of Papa - head of Catholic Church,
as he said - "one should be responsible or he'll go to hell"..

So Bill gates is going to hell.
i've found in Caitanya Caritamrita that Lord Caitanya is talking to Kazi.

Caitanya said: "you are killing cows, though you are muslim - you can't be saved from hell.
Cow killers will suffer in hell as many hundred-thousands years as there were hair-tips on killed cows"...

if Bill Gates really did this... even if he didn't kill cows personally, even he didn't make condoms from animals... Still, spending 11 * 100 000$ for condoms... what the hell it is?
he spent 100 000$ to 11 of companies who "will invent new condom". out of hundreds of compnaies (800?), some 11 were chosen, and got "donation" of 100 000$ for each such company...

So Prabhupada says - scientists are going to hell. they may make condoms, or they may make  Microsoft Windows (Microsoft is illicit sex itself!). But it all sounds like forbidden illicit sex which Bill gates is sponsoring. 

ok, let's forget it...
now some indian "Satya Nadella" is head of Microsoft. but will he help Microsoft to be saved from... eternal hell? I think no.
Bill gates has billions of dollars, but he earns greedily money... and spends them for all kinds of nonsense... and he says that economics becomes better becasue of his donations, so called charity... bullshit!

Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita 16: 

The demoniac person (Bill Gates) 

thinks: "So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him, and my other enemies will also be killed. I am the lord of everything. I am the enjoyer. I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance.

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