среда, 5 марта 2014 г.

Answer to:

Hare Krishna, Prabhupada-anti-defamation. I am happy that you replied my letter. Though, I wanted to remain anonymous. Well, I see now it is no danger, so I will write my real name here. As you already know from my letter to your angel-email, I am from Ukraine. Few words about me. I just want to make friend with you, but also I want to know who are you. I don't know if you can ever help me with your site - "Prabhupada anti-dafamation". but now I see only bad effect - I was kicked out from ISKCON temple - ok, I'll tell you which one - it is Kiev, place where I am born, main temple. Just after one lecture - it was Devamrita Swami's, i talked to few people who were sitting near vyasasana. I don't know why I talked to them. Probably just because a journalist named Sanjaya Rajhans (it was he who made me doubt in Hare Krishna and Prabhupada and ISKCON. So I got initiation in alternative organization free from crimes like killing of guru and disciples etc - in Sri Caitanya Saraswat Math in 2007). Well, let me tell you more biography first. I was born in 1984 (24 June). Kiev, Ukraine. What is important for my Hare Krishna path now - I was in India in 1995 for few weeks (or around 1995), so then I did Transcendental meditation of Maharishi. Now I see it is impersonal one, though i like his words (Maharishi's) - "Veda akhila dharma mula - Vedas are root of all religion". I don't know why I did this TM. maybe because some people in ISKCON like Beatles, Harrison and others went to Maharishi also. Harrison left in ISKCON. So. I had a choice - to go to India again, and I went there - in 2004. It was exactly a time of Ukrainian orange revolution. So in India I got interested in yoga-meditation deeper, became vegetarian. However, i still couldn't see a big difference between buddhism and hinduism, so I went for a Vipassana course. And it was a buddhist meditation. Now I think it is more impersonal than personal. They said - "you don't need mantra, don't need any forms etc"... i got to hospital after that - though. maybe because of overheating (it is hot in India in summer). Then I came back to Kiev, Ukraine. And very soon I got in contact with ISKCON. I liked it. It was nice few first years. But not everything... I was just like. No. Not like in Matrix. I just believed whatever I saw in ISKCON. Howver, I could notice that not everyone in ISKCON is just as tolerant as a tree or grass. Some people were a bit nervous. Well, why I am writing all this? I just want to find out - what is right and what is wrong. that's it. I was studying Hindi in India and also in Kiev, and one of teachers of Hindi was Sanjay Rajhans. We were coming with him to temple - ISKCON, but he said it is not perfect, or something like that - he said (like Morpheus to Neo): "I know why you are a little scared in ISKCON. I know this organization very well. Do you want to know what is the problem with it? See on internet who is Harikesha Swami"... Well, I knew he was just a teacher, so how can I think he adviced anything wrong to me? Howver. i searched internet - who is Harikesha Swami. I found out information about a man named Dvorkin Alexander. He wrote that "ISKCON is a totalitarian desctuctive sect. Krishna is a head of demons, enemies of Buddha, Prabhupada has a demoniac pride" etc. With this consciousness I approached Bhakti-Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, and got initation from him - and I was named thus Indubhushan das. However. I don't know - why I told to one man near me that "He, Govinda Maharaja is just like us!". And I got an answer - "Hey! I will beat you!". So I became scared. i just read from Dvorkin that Prabhupada's people made something like "concentration camp" in New Vrindavan and violently beted and even killed people... This created doubts in my mind. And most probably buddhist advices from Goenka who is Vipassana meditation founder (Viupassana means something like Upassana - worship. Vipassana might mean worship of Buddha. now I know Buddha is Vishnu or His avatara. Dalai Lama also worshipped Prabhupada - you can find photos on internet). but I didn't know at that time that japa-mala is so important. Some christians would say - "you'll die if you'll go to your Hare Krishna sect. Don't you see that Krishna is Satan?" etc. Well, anyway, I made some offenses. I read too much from Dvorkin that "ISKCON is destructive sect", and doubted ISKCON. My doubts lead me also to your site. You know that Dvorkin is a main demon who made a ban against Bhagavad-Gita as it is in Russia. He appeared on TV-shows and there he was speaking against ISKCON defenders - and said that ISKCON is dangerous etc. Well. Now I understeand who Dvrokin is. Though I thought that he was a "candidate of theology" - and thus I even believed him at first. But later. When my Gurudev - Govinda Maharaja left his body - I decided that i should give up critics - because they killed my Gurudev. Well, I speak emotionally. But you know that words also kill. So, I was thinking who is responsible for all this? One another problem was - therere is a law in Ukraine that any man after studying in university should go to army. I found on internet that "ISKCON Ukraine forbids using weapons, and forbids service in army". However, I was not initiated in ISKCON, but in SCSMath, so I couldn't get any document that I'm indeed am member of ISKCON and that thus I should serve alternative service (devotional?), and not a military service. So I told psychiatic doctors who wanted to get me into army - that "i was doing Vipassana meditation, and then got into some hospital, some neuro-hospital. I am vegetarian". So they thought that i am some "psycho". They thought exactly as Duluman: "you believe in God - so you must go to psychiatric hospital". They putted me into that psycho-hospital. They didn't allow me you use any japa or "ropes", don't use any sharp things like knifes, etc etc. And they forced me to eat some psychiatric pills, which made my body paralized partially. Finally, once when they let me go out of hospital - and I went home, i went to ISKCON. It was usual loud kirtan with chanting and dancing. Though. My mind was changed. it was "changed state of consiousness". And when I came back home, I felt my ears are "not clean"... Well it sounds wrong (i know that some atheists would close their ear to stop hearing Hare Krishna. It was opposite for me.). I wanted to clean my ears with "ear sticks". And i hurted to blood my left ear. Actually. Probably this was a main reason why i went ot christians and so on - for healing of my ear - and not because I liked Jesus more than Krishna. But Christians made their "job", and i made some offenses. Those few first years in Hare Krishna were a search for truth. I couldn't believe nor Dvorkin, and I still can't believe you - PADA. Though when I tried to trust you - result was very bad. When I told in ISKCON that Radhanatha Swami on your site is described as responsible that he ordered to kill Sulocana - they looked somewhat shocked or scared, were whispering one to another... Then after few another visits i was "kicked out of ISKCON", of temple. Two men, who are supposed to be devotees, but i thought they are like Jagai and Madha who beated Lord Nityananda to blood - they took me out of temple and carried for some 50 meters or so and said - "never come back! go away to your guru! if you 'll come next time - we will put you into a car - and you probably would never be alive anymore".
So after that i just sat on on a road between two lines where cars are running. I was thinking - what to do. By the way - i had a player in my ears - and there was a prayer of Kunti - "let calamities happen again". Well, now i see it is useless. Even Dalai Lama said - that suicide it Tibet against Chinese Communist party is useless and cannot stop communist party etc ... People came - one told - stand up! isn't your life more important? Do you want that I tell you frankly? "They simply hate you. That's why they did with you like this.".
So, now, PADA. I think that you are responsible for your disinformation. i am not against nor for Radhanatha Swami. As far as i understand - it is better to remain neutral. I there is controversial information about some people within religion - better not to take any side of two, especially if they are arguing. Aindra told - "if you take any side of those political parties in ISKCON - it will not help you come to Krishna".
Another words are from Christianity - "if you hear anything wrong about people whom others consider saintly - don't be part of this. Even if all that is true - for your own benefit - do not criticise. You will not hurt one whom you criticise, but your own spiritual life can be broken"... just like that... So PADA can be called thus ...
Well, I don't want to criticise you also. You say that critics of you also suffered. But I those who supported you also were not very happy - at least i tired to support you - and in ISKCON temple people were not happy - they kicked me out and leat almost to suicide. In temple a men told: "If you say that Radhanatha Swami ordered a killing of a devotee, Sulocana... Then I should kill you and myself"... i felt a little pain in my heart when I said this...
So PADA is creating some dangerous impressions, which can lead to heart-attachs, suicides etc. Don't you think so? is my story not convincing to you?
Even if Radhanatha was on the side of Kirtanananda... Still. Maybe it is all right that he is preaching in other countries like Ukraine? By the way. Just recently - in 2013 there was Bhakti Sangama 2013 in Crimea, Ukraine, some say it is one of biggest ISKCON festivals in Ukraine. Radhanatha Swami was there. I saw him personally several times. i didn't talk to him. But. i also bowed down before him. Do you think it is wrong and that Radhanatha ordered to kill Sulocana and is thus not deserving bowing down before him? Do you think that he is not saint?
Then why is said to be param-guru of Russian ISKCON, of Bhakti Vijnana Maharaja etc... yes he, B-Vijnana M, that maybe Radhanatha Swami can also fall down. Maybe. If he is reaponsible for killing Sulocana. But wait. in that court document it is said that "Rot Not was pushing like crazy for this to happen"... Does it really refer to Radhanatha Swami? If so... Can that man who said this be wrong?
just let me tell you few words. Prabhupada also said: "actually we are all demons"... Does it mean that it is really so? Even in countries like USSR/China not everyone is atheist, thus not everyone is a demon. I know... In some parts of Vedas like Rigveda, - there are prayers to "asuras". You just see what wikipedia is writing about Asuras. They say: some long time ago, there were indo-europeans, indo-aryans. And there was Vedic religion. And some people there called vedic demigods - "asuras". it was all right. But later, asuras was a label for demons, enemies of Vishnu only . Thus Zoroastrianism appeared. And Zoroaster would say that "worship Ahura Mazda". And people say, that Zoroaster meant: "worship asura". Because they say Ahura comes from sanskrit Asura. But at that time asura didn't mean enemy of Vishnu. But some other demigod... So, even if you watch video - how atheist Glushkova, she is indologist also - said - "Krishna was a demon, asura, but later people made him a god. Yesterday - demon, today - god."... But I personally think that that reference is to some other Krishna-asura who is not Krishna-god. And I think that we should be like Socrates - who worship daemon. Daemon doesn't mean demon. Deamon means deva or genius. Though. Zoroastrians cursed devas. Ahura Mazda cursed Indra in younger-avesta. he said - "repeat this most healing words: I drive away, I curse Indra"... What I think about all this... Probably in new Vrindavan you all should have been smarter. Even word asura - when Sulocana said that "Kirtananadna was asura" - but should have been accepted in sense that "Kirtanananda is Ahura-mazda". And let us think or not think that "Radhanatha Swami is also Ahura-Mazda". But no. it would be wrong. Krishna said in Bhagavad Gita - "asuras are enemies of devotees, they are demons"... Word demon has relationship with word devil or satan. Deva Indra was cursed, and Zoroastrians stated to think that "Daeva Indra" is some Daemon, or Daevil (Satan). But they are wrong to curse Indra. And thus Sulocana is wrong to curse Kirtanananda. And PADA is wrong to curse any Maharaja. Even if you write on your site that they are "asuras", you must know that Ahura means lord in Zoroastrian religion. And in Vedas word Asura is just a word which is not negative. it is like atheist. You are not supposed to kill athest or demon. Let him live. Vedas say - if even priest is fallen and becomes athesit - do not kill him. Bible say - "do not kill"...
Why people in New Vrindavan killed? I am not sure... now let me answer your answers to my letter.

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