четверг, 6 марта 2014 г.

why Vedas worship asuras?

Hare Krishna.
I am trying to understand why these murders in NV happened.
They called one another as "asura'...
Clearly, Krishna says in Gita about asuras. And Prabhupada comments: Asuras are demons.

Let's see what is known about asuras from Vedas (demonology, asurology etc) and in Zoroastrianism.

7 Орел озирал воздушные пространства,
Глубоко вдохновенный Асура, добрый вождь.

10 Златорукий Асура, добрый вождь,
Милосердный, прекрасно помогающий, пусть придет сюда!
Прогоняя прочь ракшасов (и) колдунов,
Каждый вечер стоит бог, воспеваемый.

Ригведа. I, 35. К Савитару

by the way, some buddhists influenced by Zoroastrianism, and call Buddha as Buddha-Mazda...

I am a Ukrainian, the native of Kiev. And now I am on Maidan, on the central part of my city. I want you to know why thousands of people all over my country are on the streets. There is only one reason: We want to be free from a dictatorship. We want to be free from the politicians who work only for themselves, who are ready to shoot, to beat, to injure people, just for saving their money, just for saving their houses, just to saving their power. I want these people who are here, who have dignity, who are brave, I want them to lead a normal life. We are civilized people, but our government are barbarians. That's not a soviet union. We want our courts not to be corrupted. We want to be free.
I know that maybe tomorrow we'll have no phone,
no internet 


and we will be alone here.
And maybe police men will murder us,
(Kernes said: "Avatar - it is a robot of the future")

one after another, when it will be dark here.

That's why I ask you now to help us. We have this freedom inside our hearts. We have this freedom in our minds. And now I ask you to build this freedom in our country. You can help us only by telling this story to your friends, only by sharing this video. Please share, share it. Speak to your friends, speak to your family, speak to your government, and show that you support us.

you know Chinese government is communistic... They are probably atheists, because they follow Marx, Lenin and their newer leader - Mao.

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