среда, 12 марта 2014 г.

Dharani transcript - for movie

Produced by Master Haitao
Production Manager ..
Screenplay by ..
Directed by ..
Executive producer ..
General director ..

The story of Great Compassion Dharani

at Potalaka Mountain
Innumerable Boddhisattva-Mahasattvas
are gathering in the treasure-adorned Way-place
in Avalokitesvara's palace
Buddha Sakyamuni, who was sitting on his Throne
intending to explain a teaching
of the Total-Retention Dharani
Names of those innumerable Bodhisattva- Mahasattvas were:
Dharani King Bodhisattva,
Treasure King Bodhisattva,
Bhaisajya-Raja (Medicine King) Bodhisattva,
Bhaisajya-Samudgata(Medicine Superior) Bodhisattva,
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,
Maha-stamaprapta (Great Strength) Bodhisattva,
Avatamsaka Bodhisattva,
Great Sublime Bodhisattva,
Precious Deposits Bodhisattva,
Virtue Store Bodhisattva,
Vajragarbha Bodhisattva,
Akasagarbha (Space Store) Bodhisattva,
Maitreya Bodhisattva,
Samantabhadra (Universal Goodness) Bodhisattva,
Manjusri Bodhisattva, and so on
Along with the Bhikshus
dragon kings
And innumerable Gods of heavens

World-honored one
Who attained the ultimate freedom today,
manifesting the rare great holy power?

We pray to you, Bhagavan, World Honored One
To mercifully and with Great Compassion,
to tell us the source of this great supernatural power.

Buddha told Dharani King Bodhisattva:
Virtuous man
you all should know
that in this congregation there is a Bodhisattva-Mahasattva
named Avalokitesvara, the Unrestricted One.
He had achieved the Great Kindness and Great Compassion
since uncountable Kalpas before,
and he excels at practicing countless Dharani-Gates.
In order to comfort and please all living-beings,
he secretly emits such great sacrosanct power.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said:
World-honored Bhagavan,
for comforting and pleasing all living beings
for healing all illness,
for living beings to attain additional lifespan;
for extinguishing all evil karma and weighty sins;
for maturing all virtuous-roots;
for overcoming all fears;
for fulfilling all good wishes
I have a mantra of Great-Compassionate Heart Dharani
and now wish to proclaim it
Bhagavan, please be merciful and allow me to speak.

Buddha said:
Virtuous man, you have great kindness and great compassion,
in order to comfort and please all living beings,
you wish to speak the holy mantra,
it is the proper time now,
please speak it soon,
the Tathagata approves and rejoices it,
and so do all Buddhas.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva then said to the Buddha:
Bhagavan, I remember that countless billions of kalpas ago,
a Buddha, whose name was Thousand Rays King Stillness Tathagata,
appeared in the world.
Because of his mercy and mindfulness towards me and all living beings,
that Buddha, the World Honored One spoke this
Vast, Perfect, Unimpeded, Great Compassionate Heart Dharani,
rubbed my crown with his golden hand

and said:
Virtuous man,
you should hold this heart-mantra
to give great benefit and happiness to all living beings
in the future evil age.

At that time
I was just at the first Bhumi (stage of Bodhisattva),
right after hearing this mantra,
I exceeded the eighth Bhumi.
At that time, as my heart was joyful,
I vowed as follows:

If I will be able to give benefit and happiness
to all living beings in the future,
let me have one thousand hands and
one thousand eyes immediately.

Instantly after the vow, I got fully one thousand hands
and one thousand eyes on my body,

then, the grounds of the worlds
of the ten directions
quaked in six ways,

thousands of Buddhas of the ten directions
emitted their light to my body
and illuminated boundless worlds of the ten directions.

If there are monks (Bhikshus),
nuns(Bhikshunis), laymen(Upasakas), laywomen (Upasikas),
pure youth and maidens who wish to recite
and hold (keep reciting) this great merciful and compassionate mantra,
they should first arouse heir great merciful and compassionate hearts
for all living beings,
and should follow me in making vows as follows:

Na:mo: great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I quickly know all Dharmas;

Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I soon obtain the Wisdom Eye;

Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I quickly ferry all living beings
to the shore of liberation;

Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I soon obtain virtuous skillful means
to enlighten various living beings,

Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I quickly board the Prajna Boat;

Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I soon transcend the ocean of suffering;

Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I quickly achieve precepts, Samadhi and the Way;

Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I soon ascend the mountain of Nirvana;

Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I quickly dwell in the house of non-action;

Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
May I soon unite with the Dharma-Nature Body.

If I go towards the mountain of knives,
the mountain of knives of itself breaks up;

If I go towards the boiling oil,
the boiling oil of itself dries up;

If I go towards the hells,
the hells of themselves disappear;

If I go towards the hungry ghosts,
the hungry ghosts of themselves become full.

If I go towards the Asuras,
their evil thoughts of themselves are tamed.

If I go towards the animals,
they themselves attain great wisdom."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said:
After making these vows,
recite my name (Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva)
with the deep-felt sincere heart,
also recite single-mindedly the name of my teacher —
Amitabha Tathagata (Namo Amitabha),
then recite this mantra,
5 times or more in a day or night,
to remove from the body the weighty sins
of births and deaths accumulated in hundreds
of thousands of billions of kalpas!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva then said to the Buddha:
if humans or gods recite and hold the phrases
of this Great Compassion Dharani,

when they are about to die,

all the Buddhas of the ten directions will come
to receive them with their hands,

and they will be reborn in whichever Buddha-World
according to their wishes

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva continued to say to the Buddha:
Should any living being who recites and holds the holy
mantra of Great Compassion fall into the three evil paths,
I vow not to achieved the Correct-Awakening.

Should any living being who recites and
holds the holy mantra of Great Compassion
not be reborn in any Buddha-World,
I vow not to achieve the Correct-Awakening.

Should any living being who recites and holds
the holy mantra of Great Compassion
not obtain unlimited Samadhis and eloquence,
I vow not to achieve the Correct-Awakening.

By reciting this Dharani,
all evil karma and weighty
sins can be completely eliminated

such as the ten evil deeds, the five rebellious sins,

slandering people,

slandering the Dharmas,

breaking the Abstinent-precepts of Tzie/Zhai,

breaking other precepts,

destroying stupas (holy towers),

wrecking temples,

stealing properties of Sanghas,

and profaning Brahma pure practices,
can be completely eliminated
by reciting this Dharani,

except this:
if one has doubts about this Dharani,
then even his small sins and light karma cannot be eliminated,

not to mention the weighty sins.

the weighty sins do not disappear immediately,
the reciting can still be the cause of Bodhi (enlightenment) in the future

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva continued to say to the Buddha:
So, all people and gods who recite and hold
the Great Compassionate Heart Dharani
should constantly do it without laziness

Those who recite and hold this Great Compassion Holy Mantra
without exception can heal 84 000 kinds of diseases of the world

One who recites and holds this holy mantra
the thirty-two marks and the eighty minor marks
of Buddhahood and Bhumi are achieved naturally

And all ghosts, spirits, and heavenly demons
all exterior-paths practitioners
cannot interrupt him
(if he keeps reciting this Dharani without interruption
then innumerable gods and immortals will come to bear witness
and enhance the efficacy of their recitation)

This Mantra
has been spoken by previous 9.9 billions
Ganges-river-sands Buddhas

Then Ananda asked the Buddha:
what is the name of this Bodhisattva- Mahasattva,
who is so good to teach us this Dharani?

Buddha said:
This Bodhisattva is called Avalokitesvara,
the Unrestricted One, also called Nipping a Lariat,
also called A Thousand Bright Eyes.

Virtuous man,
this Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
has unimaginable mighty and holy powers.

Uncountable kalpas before,
he had already been a Buddha
named True Dharma Brightness Tathagata.

Because of the power of his great compassionate vows,
and in order to call upon all Bodhisattvas to comfort
and please all living beings,
he appears as a Bodhisattva.

All of you, including the Bodhisattvas,
Brahmas, Gods of the 33 heavens, dragons, and divinities,
should show respect to him,
do not despise him.
All heavenly and human beings
should constantly make offerings to him
and recite his name absorbedly,
then they will get infinite blessings
and eliminate countless sins,
and at the end of their lives,
they will be reborn in the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha.

The Buddha told Ananda:
This holy Mantra spoken by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
is true, real, and not false.

When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished speaking this mantra,
the earth shook in six ways.

The heavens rained down precious flowers,
which fell in colorful profusion.

All the Buddhas of the ten directions were delighted,
while the heavenly demons
and Exterior-paths practitioners

were so frightened that their hair stood on end.

Everyone in the congregation achieved different fruitions,
others achieved Bhumi stages of Bodhisattva

Innumerable living beings aroused the Bodhi-Heart
(The resolve to save all living beings
and help them to achieve the Correct Awakening).

The End

Great Compassion Dharani

namo ratna-trayaya
namo aryavalokitesvaraya 1
Adoration to the Triple Gem, adoration to the noble Avalokitesvara,

maha-karunikaya 2
the enlightened sentient being, the great sentient being, the great compassionate one!

om sarva rabhaya
sudhana-dasye 3
Om! all noble assembly, righteous words with joy.

Nama skrtva

i-mom arya-valokite-
svara ramdhava 4
After the adoration to that(i-mom) noble Avalokitesvara (of) the Mercy Land,

namo Narakindi haraye
maha-vadhassame 5
adoration to the blue-necked one, the great light.

sarva arthadu
subhum ajeyam sarva-satva 6
all invincible (enlightened) sentient beings are free of all attachment and defilement.

vasatva namo
vaga mavadudhu 7
Adoration to the great being, adoration to the boy (who is) attained by Gods .

tadyatha om
avaloke lokate 8
Thus: om! seer of the world!

karate e-hre maha-bodhisattva 9
the compassionate one with a lotus heart, the great enlightened being.

sarva sarva mala mala 10
All, all, immaculate, immaculate

mahima hredayam 11
great unconstrained heart

kuru kuru karmum 12
accomplish, accomplish the work

dhuru dhuru
vajayate maha-vajayate 13
hold fast, hold fast victor, great victor


dhara dhara dhrini svaraya 14
hold on, hold on the bravery, the freedom.

cala cala mama vamara muktele 15
move, move, my immaculate liberation.

ehe ehe cinda cinda arasam pracali 16
come, come, the pledge, the pledge, the king of dharma, the son of the buddha

vasa-vasam prasaya 17
Destroy every poison.

huru huru mara 18
Quick, quick, the strong being;
huru huru hri 19
quick, quick, Hri

sara sara siri siri suru suru 20
descend, descend; come down, come down; condescend, condescend; or
strong, strong; brave, brave; beautiful, beautiful;

bodhiya bodhiya bodhaya bodhaya 21
being awakened, being awakened; have enlightened, have enlightened.

maitriya Narakindi 22
the kind blue-necked one

dharsinina payamana svaha 23
bravery, fame, All hail!

siddhaya svaha 24
Accomplishment, so be it!

maha-siddhaya svaha 25
Great Accomplishment, So Be It!

svaraya svaha 26
Liberation thru successfully union (with deities), All hail!

Narakindi svaha 27
blue-necked one, All hail!

maranara svaha 28
Destroyer, All hail!

Sirasam amukhaya svaha 29
lion's (boar) head and face, hail!

sarva maha-asiddhaya svaha 30
all success in supreme abilities, So be it!

chakra-asiddhaya svaha 31
the successor with a wheel (of dharma), All hail!

Padmaka staya svaha 32
one (who has a) red lotus (in his hand), All hail!

Narakidi vagaraya svaha 33
blue-necked, far-causing One, hail!

mavari sankharaya svaha 34
mighty Sankhara, hail!

nama ratna-trayaya nama arya-valokitesvaraya
svaha 35
Adoration to the Triple Gem, adoration to the noble Avalokitesvara , All hail!

sidhyantu mantra padaya
svaha 36
Om! may this sentence of invocation be successful, So be it!


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